Friday 26 April 2013


It is important that all children are given the opportunity to play in different environments. Children learn best through play and hands on experiences. Children learn the most during their first five years through play. By playing children are building on their self-esteem and confidence and are able to take risks and make mistakes. Play is very important for a child to learn, they are able to learn indoors and outdoors, children learn everywhere they go. Children can play individuallt or in a group, by doing this the child with develop social skills and also learn how to share with others.
Daily Montessori (2011) Montessori Theory Retrieved 20th April 2013 from

Casa Dei Bambini (2010) Abour Maria Montessori Retrieved 14th April 2013 from

Welsh Assembly Government (2008) Framework for Children’s Learning for 3 to 7-year-olds in Wales Retrieved 01st April 2013 from;jsessionid=1735525FFBAFF933D4FC0E40CF25A46E?lang=en

Isaacs, B. (2010), Bring the Montessori Approach to you: London

Williams-Siegfredsen, J. (2012), Understanding the Danish Forest School Approach: Oxon

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